Friday 16 June 2017

Marijuana dependency and addiction

Marijuana dependency and addiction

Cannabis, like other analgesics, can cause dependence and addiction. Over time, the persistent overstimulation of the endocannabinoid system can cause changes in the brain that result in addiction; this is much more likely in people who start using marijuana when young and who are heavy users. Lost love spell
An estimated 9percent of people who use marijuana become dependent on the drug. Teenage users have a 17 percent risk of becoming addicted, and 25-50 percent of regular (daily) users become addicted. Abrupt withdrawal from cannabis can be uncomfortable but not life-threatening. Lost love spells
The withdrawal syndrome begins on the second day of stopping and may persist for 2 weeks. Discontinuation symptoms include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, stomach pain, and decreased appetite. Sleep problems can potentially persist beyond that time frame. It is important to note that "synthetic marijuana" is not actually marijuana, with some people being misled into trying K2/Spice (an untested and illegal synthetic cannabinoid). Lost love spell
The full extent of long-term health risks of chronic cannabis use is currently unknown. There is no determining who will develop serious physical, psychological, or other unwanted reactions.
As of January 31, 2014, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) had 28 active research grants related to marijuana, investigating its effects in six different disease areas. These include autoimmune disease, inflammation, pain, seizure disorders, psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders, withdrawal, and dependence. Lost love spells
Some studies do show specific benefits of certain types of marijuana use, with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently having approved certain THC-based medications for increasing appetite and reducing nausea. 
THC may also decrease pain, inflammation, and muscle control problems, but medications have not yet been approved for these conditions. Lost love spell
Many researchers are investigating the medicinal potential of cannabidiol, a cannabinoid found in marijuana that does not have psychoactive effects. This drug may be helpful in relieving pain and inflammation, controlling epileptic seizures, and possibly for the treatment of mental illness and addictions.
Other researchers are looking at the potential for marijuana extracts to target and kill cancer cells, in particular as an adjunct treatment with radiation therapy. Lost love spells 

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